My Thai Mansion

It's going to be a mansion. It's going to be in Thailand. Its My Thai Mansion!

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Finally looks like a house

Lots of progress in the last week or 2. The pool is taking shape and pretty much all the walls are built. They say tiles are going on the roof next week, but they said that before so I am not holding my breath. We are waiting on the Air-Con. Its proving diffcult to get someone at a reasonable price. The in-house contractor wanted 200,000 more than the one we found, but we cant get her to come and measure up. We tried Tesco but the promised 6000 per unit discount morphed into a 700 per unit discount. We are about to try our 4th shop but I am not optimistic.
We chose a kitchen at vast expense. Again the estimates turned out to be distant from the final quotes, and we ended taking the easy option and going with the in house contractor.
I was quite impressed with the look of the electrics, so impressed i took a photo.
It finally felt like a house today, 2 more months and we are in!

What an idiot

2 posts today this first one is pictures from about 2 weeks ago.
Metal spiky things have appeared in the sandpit that will be the pool. And the roof takes shape but is still tileless.
The next 2 pictures I took on the way to the house. Note the red light at the level crossing, then watch the moron drive around them as the red light naturally meant go.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Walls & Holes

As promissed we have had the JCB round and a big hole has appeared which will morph into a swimming pool & spa in about 2 months. The frame for the roof is prety much complete and will soon be tiled. And walls have appeared everywhere, this one is the downstairs bathroom.